Genealogy is an online community to help people trace their ancestors and complete their family tree using their online database and online forum.

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Based on 46 Votes
Genealogy's Annual Revenue is $26.7 million and Monthly revenue is $2.2 million based on our estimations. More Interesting Numbers!

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Info About

The internet has changed the way we do a number of things; especially when it comes to interacting with people and collecting information. And the effect is quite positive on a lot of fields including genealogy! Whether as a hobby or a vocation or a mission, genealogy is time intensive. Research can become tricky in some cases as the best of resources might fail. In such cases, the only way is to turn to people, especially those who share your interest or are experts in that particular period. This is when genealogy forums are a go-to; recognizing this Genealogy provides people with tools to conduct their research using information shared over Genforum!

Utilize Archived Information

Genforum was quite popular in its day. People used it to ask for information and also share information that they had (that is related to genealogy); it can be about people and communities or even places like the various cities and counties, etc. Though presently it is not possible to use this forum, the information that has been shared can still be by using the Genealogy website. Using the available search tools, people can search using surnames, locations, etc. and get information from the archives of Genforum. 

The Importance

When digging up the past, be it family history or any other aspect of genealogy, every small detail can be of importance. And sometimes, getting information from the “horse’s mouth” as such can be far valuable than the most voluble resource available. And this is what Genealogy provides!

Popular Categories

  • Family Tree
  • Genealogy Research
  • Genealogy Software

Genealogy Fun Facts

Quickly compare with other similar Ancestry, Family Search, Geni and others.

Category Ranking: #13 Family History Service

Ratings & Votes: 4.6/5 - Based on 46 Votes

Year Founded: 1999

Employees: 1 to 9

Annual Revenue: US$ 26.7 million

Avg Order Size: US$ 51 to 70

Daily Orders: 1.2k

Daily Visitors: 30k