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The Getty Images is the most popular stock image photography website. It is a place where you can let your creativity flow. They offer the best and the most creative photos of the highest quality. The images they offer are quite unique and is suitable for your creative project.
What makes Getty Images the best?
Getty Image offers you the unique content which lets you stand out from the crowd. You can get access to the images that no one else has and you can always be one step ahead of the others in the creative trends. The images available on their website are curated by the world’s most bestowed creative team. They also have a team of coveted photographers who capture images that are difficult to replicate and sets the trend in the creative industry. They provide powerful images capable of telling the best stories. They cover a lot of events and news happening around the world which lets you update your people with what is going on right at that moment. They have partnered with major sports, entertainment and news channels like BBC, Lonely Planet, Vice, ITN, Bloomberg Television and much more to offer you extensive coverage and help you get the best images.
What is unique about Getty Images?
Getty images provide the world’s largest archive for visuals. They have more than 1500 collections with over 80 million images. They offer the most exclusive and comprehensive images from their library. You can make an emotional connection with the realistic images they provide including major war, the moon landing and much more. They will let you tell the most compelling story. You can secure the right to use the videos and images and use them in a variety of purpose including TV, advertising, film, product packaging and lots more. The Getty Image license provides uncapped indemnification and unlimited print runs. Their standard license provides you with all the rights you need so there is no extended license. They offer unlimited potential for you to use the image.
Quickly compare with other similar Abobe Stock, ShutterStock, Pixabay and others.
Category Ranking: #8 Stock Photo Site
Ratings & Votes: 4.5/5 - Based on 26 Votes
Year Founded: 2015
Daily Visitors: 110k