Ancestry Australia

Curious to get your DNA test done? Find out more about you and your ancestors from an online site offering genealogy resources, surname origin, family search, family trees, from historical records.

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Based on 8 Votes
Ancestry Australia's Annual Revenue is $85.1 million and Monthly revenue is $7 million based on our estimations. More Interesting Numbers!

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Info About

There are many reasons why people might be interested in genealogy; it has a lot of practical application in life too. With genealogy, people can find family history, their place of origin, their ethnicity, how they are related to other ethnicities and other very interesting things about their family history and their ancestors. Sometimes, people use genealogy services like Ancestry Australia to get answers to tough questions like information about their parents, find proofs of family inheritance and land ownership, the reasons for hereditary diseases, etc. Though Ancestry Australia is a genealogy service, it is not just like any other. Here are some of the features that make it unique:


Basically, the main tool used here is people’s DNA. They provide DNA kits and have an online website through which they help people find about themselves and connect with people that share their DNA. Through DNA testing, they provide details like ethnicity (as percentages using a pie chart), places of origin and information about ancestors like where they might have originated using migration patterns and related information. 

Huge Database

People can also register and build their family tree using the available online tools; Ancestry Australia provides a 14-day free trial too. Just adding all the nearest family member is how to begin building a family tree. With the help of their huge database, they provide people with intriguing family histories and details of people who might be a part of the family. This way people can connect with new family members and swap family history too!

Popular Categories

  • Ancestry Com
  • Census Records
  • Family History
  • Family History Resource
  • Family Tree
  • Family Trees
  • Genealogy Family History
  • Online Family History
  • Web Search

Ancestry Australia Fun Facts

Quickly compare with other similar Ancestry, Family Search, Geni and others.

Category Ranking: #10 Family History Service

Ratings & Votes: 3.8/5 - Based on 8 Votes

Payment Options: Visa, Mastercard

Annual Revenue: US$ 85.1 million

Avg Order Size: US$ 68 to 83

Daily Orders: 3.1k

Daily Visitors: 57k