
Discover new ancestors from over 170 million profiles and public records, create your family tree and know your family history using a genealogy website.

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Based on 91 Votes
Geni's Annual Revenue is $159.9 million and Monthly revenue is $13.1 million based on our estimations. More Interesting Numbers!

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Info About

Genealogy – it can be a requirement for some, a hobby for most and an obsession for a few. Whatever the reason one finds themselves digging into their past, everybody can agree on one thing; it isn’t an easy task. Piecing together your family history can be an arduous and painstaking job; it can take a whole lifetime to get to a considerable level. But, in this age of the internet, just like everything else, tracing one’s family history and building a family tree can be a bit less of a hassle. There are quite a few genealogy services out there, one of the more popular being Geni.

Genealogy Services Provided

With Geni, people can build their own family tree for free. People can log in to their website and start building their family tree. People can invite other family members to join in, share pictures and videos, documents, etc. and connect with various family members from all over the globe using their website as a platform. But, this is what most genealogy services provide, right? So what makes this service different? Their World Family Tree is what makes this service unique!

Family Tree of the Whole World

With the concept of the World Family Tree, it is their aim to connect every family and every person of the world as a branch of the World Family Tree. This is made possible through their merge tool where any two families that share a common family member can be merged into one big family.​

Popular Categories

  • Family Search
  • Family Statistics
  • Family Tree
  • Family Tree Char
  • Family Tree Charts
  • Family Tree Maker
  • Family Tree Search
  • Genealogy Projects
  • Online Services
  • Social Network
  • Trace Your Ancestry
  • Web Apps

Geni Fun Facts

Quickly compare with other similar Ancestry, Family Search, Wiki Tree and others.

Category Ranking: #6 Family History Service

Ratings & Votes: 5/5 - Based on 91 Votes

Year Founded: 2006

Employees: 1 to 9

Annual Revenue: US$ 159.9 million

Avg Order Size: US$ 51 to 70

Daily Orders: 7.2k

Daily Visitors: 180k
